The Power of Ubuntu
Edubuntu is an extremely user friendly and fast operating system that is powered by Ubuntu, a free and secure Linux distribution, aiming to provide a wide range of educational software, games, and tools for students and eager learners. Edubuntu also comes with a wide variety of powerful software for students and adults, and has everything needed for anything you want to do. Ubuntu’s Software Center also provides thousands of additional custom programs for any user or families personalized needs. Ubuntu also ships with a built-in firewall, and is one of the most secure operating systems around.
See the Full List of Software running on Edubuntu
- Education:
- Blinken
- Celestia
- Educational Suite GCompris
- Kanagram
- Kbruch
- KGeography
- KHangMan
- Kig
- Klavaro
- KLetters
- KmPlot
- KTouch
- KTurtle
- KWordQuiz
- Lybniz Graph Plotter
- Marble
- Pairs
- Laby Programing
- Parley
- Step
- Tux Math
- Tux Paint
- Tux Typing
- Games:
- AisleRiot Solitaire
- Atomix
- Einstein
- Gbrainy
- Mahjongg
- Mines
- Ri-li
- Sudoku
- SuperTux
- Potato Guy
- Graphics/Imaging:
- Dia
- E-Book Viewer
- GIMP Image Editor
- VLC Media Player
- ImageMagick
- KolourPaint
- LibreCAD
- LibreOffice Draw
- Pencil
- Scribus
- Shotwell Photo Manager
- Simple Scan
- Internet/Communication:
- Empathy Internet Messaging
- Firefox Web Browser
- Preloaded with security extensions: Ublock Origin, Disconnect, HTTPS everywhere
- Bookmarked: KhanAcademy, DuoLingo, Craigslist, WhatsApp Web
- Skype
- Thunderbird Mail
- Liferea Feed Reader
- Office:
- Calibre
- Gramps Genealogy System
- LibreOffice
- LibreOffice Calc
- LibreOffice Impress
- LibreOffice Math
- LibreOffice Writer
- Vym – View your Mind
- Programming:
- Bluefish Editor
- Fritzing
- Science:
- Cantor
- Chemtool
- KAlgebra
- Kalzium
- KStars
- Rocs
And more!